My Project Work

My current project work is researching the PBL (project based learning) process at three levels, elementary, middle and high school. I am fortunate to work in an innovative environment that allows for me to co-facilitate pbl work at all levels 4th-12th grade.

What I have discovered this year is that I am really passionate about PBL work. Although I have known this all along being in an environment where the day to day reality allows for PBL work to occur fairly seamlessly is pretty amazing.

This year's journey has had some successes and some bumps along the way. I have documented the entire journey in another blog called "Two Educators, One Journey." The "Two Educators" blog consists of daily reflective posts not only on my PBL work but on the year in general.

Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome."
Arthur Ashe

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

OHpedia Rubric Creation

This morning was spent working on the creation of a a rubric to go along with our current OHpedia project. Specifically, we used a shared google doc:
We used this document to answer two questions. First, what things do you notice about wikipedia (structure as well as what makes a really good entry)? And second, what components make up a good online lesson?

We then took our shared google doc and working together looked for themes throughout. Some students worked in groups and some on their own. The writing below is part of my mini lesson to help students understand the structure of coding.

We took all the students' coding to create a rubric for the OHpedia entry portion of our project.

Interesting Activities:
  • games
  • videos

  • Pictures
Visual Media:
  • Videos (youtube)
Written Information:
  • facts
  • introductory paragraph
  • bold titles

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