My Project Work

My current project work is researching the PBL (project based learning) process at three levels, elementary, middle and high school. I am fortunate to work in an innovative environment that allows for me to co-facilitate pbl work at all levels 4th-12th grade.

What I have discovered this year is that I am really passionate about PBL work. Although I have known this all along being in an environment where the day to day reality allows for PBL work to occur fairly seamlessly is pretty amazing.

This year's journey has had some successes and some bumps along the way. I have documented the entire journey in another blog called "Two Educators, One Journey." The "Two Educators" blog consists of daily reflective posts not only on my PBL work but on the year in general.

Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome."
Arthur Ashe

Monday, January 24, 2011

End of Day Reflection

Daily Goals:

Meet with every MS/HS group for a check in and to provide feedback.-Goal achieved.
  • I feel good about meeting face to face with groups as well as skypeing with the Telluride crew. However the dilemma of how to get some students motivated

Meet with Mysterious Package to start transcribing their interviews.-Goal achieved

  • How much should I as a facilitator intervene with students as they work. What I mean by this is that they are setting deadlines that are unrealistic (too long) and could be working much faster...Should I set deadlines fro work?They also sit around not working until the deadline gets closer...
  • I spoke to Mira and Leah briefly about these dilemmas because they both are engaged in and do well in both FLVS and PBl work. Their feeling was that they learn more through PBL but also like to be able to check things off with FLVS. They both prefer PBL work for the most part.

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