My Project Work

My current project work is researching the PBL (project based learning) process at three levels, elementary, middle and high school. I am fortunate to work in an innovative environment that allows for me to co-facilitate pbl work at all levels 4th-12th grade.

What I have discovered this year is that I am really passionate about PBL work. Although I have known this all along being in an environment where the day to day reality allows for PBL work to occur fairly seamlessly is pretty amazing.

This year's journey has had some successes and some bumps along the way. I have documented the entire journey in another blog called "Two Educators, One Journey." The "Two Educators" blog consists of daily reflective posts not only on my PBL work but on the year in general.

Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome."
Arthur Ashe

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

End of day reflection 3/16

Today I met expectations for my project work with the students.

Today I achieved my goals. I talked to everyone about their projects and have a pretty good idea of who is on track and who needs support.

Meets Expectations
  • Blog:
    • Completes a daily goal setting entry at the beginning of each PBL day.-did this
    • Completes an end of the day reflection entry at the end of each PBL day.-did this
  • Check ins:-NA today
    • Is prepared for formal check ins with facilitator which include:
      • project planning form check in
      • expert email check in
      • presentation check in
  • Pace:
    • Meets all assigned project deadlines.-did this
  • Collaboration:-N/A
    • Meets on a regular basis with group members.
    • Completes assigned tasks for group.
    • Maintains positive interactions with group members at all times.

  • Project:
    • Meets all expectations on project rubric.

Daily Goals 3/16/11

What are your goals for today?
  • My goals are to meet with everybody both in the morning and afternoon to see where they are with their project work.
What is your plan for getting today’s work done?
  • Check in with all students either via skype of in person.